Monday, February 11, 2008

Coincidences and The Law Of Attraction

Coincidences and The Law Of Attraction
By Garrett Davis

A coincidence is a pairing of two or more events at one time by mere chance. We are very familiar with the word "coincidence" because it’s used quite often in common, everyday speech. "Oh, what a coincidence!" It seems quite obvious that coincidences do in fact exist, simply because we experience and observe them routinely. We tell our friends and family about them when they happen to us, we laugh and joke about them, and they can even make for great conversation starters.

So is it possible that this thing called the law of attraction does not allow for such coincidences to even exist in the first place? Have we been fooled this whole time into thinking that coincidences exist when they are really meaningful synchronicities? A synchronicity is different from a coincidence in that a synchronicity is much more profound. The word synchronicity is defined as a convergence of two or more events that seem to be meaningfully related.

We could drive ourselves nuts trying to find meaning in all of the coincidences that happen in our day to day lives. Often times these coincidences simply seem too frivolous to hold any real meaning. This is why the idea of the coincidence is so intuitive. It allows us to quickly and easily explain the concurrence of two or more events at the same time that would otherwise be far too tedious to find any value in. If for no reason other than pure practicality, we will not force ourselves to abandon the idea of the coincidence in our pursuit of understanding fully the law of attraction.

So, we will take the position that both the law of attraction, and coincidences exist at the same time. While these two concepts may seem contradictory to some, we will have to suspend our temptation to dismiss one or the other. We may use both to describe various events in our lives. So the question becomes, "how do we distinguish something that happens as a result of the law of attraction from something that is the result of mere coincidence?" We will make a distinction between the two by thinking of them in the form of a continuum, from coincidence to synchronicity:

Coincidence >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Synchronicity

On the far left of the continuum, the coincidence side, we have events in our lives that have very little or no meaning to us. They are in fact a pairing of two or more events at the same time, but they simply offer us no noticeable value. To even try to find meaning in them would seem to be a tedious waste of time. Who cares why the waiter at the restaurant was also named Garrett, or that so-and-so was wearing the same shoes as me?...and so forth. Any reasoning in such things, if there is any at all, is unlikely to offer us much in terms of meaning. After all, they are just coincidences!

As we move to the right of the continuum, towards the synchronicity side, we begin to experience events that offer meaning, opportunity, and value: Occurrences that are no longer just mere miscellaneous happenstance, but something more. The further to the right we go, the more we move towards the persons, places, things, and events that are manifestations of our dominant thoughts. Such synchronicities are occurrences that we have attracted into our lives. They are the times that we thought about an old friend, talked to someone about them, and then ran into them a few days later, or they called us, or wrote to us. They are the times that we so clearly envisioned ourselves accomplishing a certain goal, but did not have the slightest idea of how we would go about achieving it, but never the less happened upon exactly what we needed for its completion, almost as if completely miraculously.

To the very far end of the right side of the continuum, we can imagine pure unadulterated manifestation, as in a person of higher consciousness taking an idea from pure abstraction to physical manifestation, instantly. Hey, we only use less than 5% of our brains, so maybe someday, right?

Both coincidences and synchronicities exist, even in the context of an existence governed by the law of attraction. The concept of the law of attraction in no way negates the concept of the coincidence. While this may at first seem paradoxical to some students of the law of attraction, it is not. Distinguishing between the two is simply a matter of recognizing a degree of meaning and relevance. The better you get at manifesting your desires, the better you will be able to recognize and distinguish the synchronicities from the coincidences. When you are able to recognize the synchronicities that you have manifested, you will be able to swiftly act upon them in accordance with your intuition.

So have fun out there, and happy manifesting!